Amber Black Block Super Horizontal by Mad Et Len-Idlewild
Amber Black Block Super Horizontal by Mad Et Len-Idlewild
Amber Black Block Super Horizontal by Mad Et Len-Idlewild
Amber Black Block Super Horizontal by Mad Et Len-Idlewild
$ 315.00

Mad Et Len

Amber Black Block Super Horizontal by Mad Et Len


Sold with Recharge Oil in Amber Nobile


  • The MAD et LEN Vegetal Amber is a natural tree resin from the acacia tree and is soluble in water.
  • MAD et LEN oils are pure perfume oil. Pure perfume oil from any source is unsafe on the skin unless clinically tested and stated on the packaging. 
  • If you would like to change the scent, you can throw away the rocks, wipe the inside of the container with a paper towel, and add new unscented rocks of your choice.